When we're young and learning to play board games, we start with the basic rules, we learn just enough to play and have fun.
We get excited, and we get good at "What's the next move?"
Then, over time, we start thinking ahead, strategically planning. We move from what's next to "why next?"
We get good at asking, "Why the next move?"
How will this affect my future moves?
It works. We begin to win, often.
Unfortunately, when it comes to wardrobe building our impatience to make progress impedes us.
We tend to rush the next move.
We get good at relying on convenience. We speed up the "What's next?"
We love the new thing that's on sale and is a "good deal" thinking it will bring more joy (or attention).
Even though the fit is off, it's still a name brand and "what a steal!"
Simply put, we're not so good at questioning, "Why the next move?"
What if more of the right moves would happen by taking the time to reflect on the why? To ponder how our next purchase aligns with our brand, our values, our story.
What if taking a little time and effort would help us to get to where we ultimately want to go.
What if we had a road map to build out a practical, versatile wardrobe with no weak links?
It's possible, but it takes discipline to ask, "Why the next move?".
And sometimes, it takes a little help. That's why I'm here.